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Welcome to Kode Blue - Free Email Service
Beta Testing Now Open -- See below....
Please come back soon to sign up for your free email account. We will be offering secure email using PGP encryption. Users can protect their messages while in transit and at rest. We give you the option to hold your own keys or have us keep them for you. We strongly recommend that you keep your own keys, but if you are concerned that you will lose your key and subsequently get locked out of your account forever, we will help by securely storing your keys.
If you choose to keep your own keys, you are the only one who can access your messages. We will have no way to open your account, see your messages, reset passwords, or otherwise recover your account. This also means that if a law enforcemnt agency asks us to view your account, we are incapable of helping them (not that we would want to help them). Even if they have a warrant signed by a federal judge. We cannot give them what we do not have.
In an ever-changing world, we must always fight to preserve Liberty from the myriad entities who would seek to take it from us. Tyranny is alive and well throughout the world and it is only through vigilance and a vigorous exercising of our rights that we can maintain and expand the freedoms to which we are entitled as human beings. Yes, even here, in "the Land of Liberty", "the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave", our rights are under attack. Any government that tries to keep strong encryption from its citizenry should be viewed with same suspicion with which they view their people.
Many privacy tools exist. AES encryption is still, for all practical purposes, unbreakable. your internet browsing can be concealed and your identity on the web masked. Right now, the big network providers can disover information about what people are doing and exploit that information for their own profit. It's called traffic shaping. Deny them this information. Use the tools available. Stop sending Email in the clear -- encrypt your communications and not just the private ones because if you only encrypt those, it could raise suspicions on those emails in particular, so protect all of your communcations.
If everyone encrypts everything, then that's the norm and those who seek to spy on us won't know where to start.
Exercising rights is not wrong, nor do we encourage the use of privacy tools to do wrong -- or for that matter, committing transgressions against our fellow humans in any way. Unfortunately, government is a necessary evil. Good citizens need to watch out for evil from many fronts, including our leadership. It's not an easy world in which to walk the right path. Keep right, don't do wrong.
Please check back here soon for the official Launch of Kode Blue and to claim your free Email. Remember to fight for your freedom every day!
If you would like to be a pilot user and start using a kode.blue email address now, please send an email to beta@kode.blue with your desired username and a way to get in touch with you (another email address or a phone number that your user info can be texted to). Thank you!
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